A primary goal of Vanshavaly.com is to help in pass on your family information into future generations. We make it easy for you to store this information independently of www.vanshavaly.com.
Our communication is using SMS so before you become a member, you must be agree to receive SMS from our site for farther communication. You cannot take any legal action against vanshavaly.com or company, related to "Do not Disturb" service.
We also promise you that we will not send any promotional SMS, spam. We may send you occasional reminder and important service notifications via SMS or E-Mail related to your subscription only.
As you submit your family information and details so vanshavaly.com and MAA Family Network is not responsible for any legal action taken by any other person or any member of your family to publish his personal information through website. You solely responsible for any information furnish to us.
Any individual or company or entity cannot take any information from vanshavaly.com in the form of print or content as a lawful document. Family tree created on vanshavaly.com or its print cannot furnish as lawful evidence in any form.